Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lap Dogs

Popular since at least the 13th century and traceable to the 8th century, the lap dog has been a symbol of status and a fashion accessory for quite some time. Admittedly their original purpose, which was to attract fleas away from their owners, is hardly glamorous. But perhaps the lap dog is going out of fashion. Popular dog carriers are now verging on the trashy side, and the use of a living creature as a fashion accessory seems questionable.

Perhaps once upon a time lap dogs represented sophistication and elegance, but now they seem to stand for vapidity.

Also questionable are the products made available by the popularity of lap dogs. You can purchase a wealth of accessories for your dog, perhaps to comfort yourself for using the dog as your accessory.

Will no one think of the poor dogs?

Hit or miss? Look at the picture above! A clear miss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a miss for sure!
our society has gone from having lap dogs that look like little wise old men to yapping dogs attached to our hips!