Wednesday, June 23, 2010

And Now a Message From Our High School Correspondant:Goats

Next time you are at the zoo I encourage you to find a goat in the petting area and have a staring contest with it. Do not do this is if you are under 18 or are easily scared, because goats have evil eyes.
I am scared of cat eyes; the slits get to me; but now that I have looked at a goat's eyes I am permanent screwed up. Look at these eyes:

Now imagine waking up and seeing them next to you in bed. Not a good morning...

You might even get mad

With the anger problems, the eyes, the smell, the sharp horns, the tangled beards, and last but not least, the fact that they chew on metal cans; goats are the worst animals that have ever existed.

Accordions? Hit
Goats? Miss

William Huntington Worcestershire IV- High school corespondent

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Neil Patrick Harris Appreciation

Witty, adorable, funny, and equipped with a lovely singing voice, who can resist the charms of NPH? Also, he looks wonderful in a suit!

He also looks great in denim:

And when riding a unicorn. Who knew?

Whether he is playing ladies man Barney in How I Met Your Mother or shy, insecure Billy from Dr. Horrible's Song-a-Long Blog, NPH is always convincing and charming.

Speaking of Dr. Horrible, guess who decided to interrupt the Emmys last year...

Hit or miss? The answer is simple. If you look up the word awesome in the dictionary, you will find a picture of Neil Patrick Harris.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

YAMATO NADESHIKO SHICHI HENGE aka You thought ONE Professor Higgins was bad? Try living with FOUR!

We all know that Japanese things are always a little...different

On paper, this totally worked, I swear!

Look Mom! No ear wax!

Given their track record, our expectations for Japanese TV are not exactly high. Yet again and again we find ourselves totally absorbed and invested in some Japanese drama. This quarter we discovered Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge:

Oh Yes!

In the words of the DVD case for the series, the four hottest guys have just one goal; turn the spooky Goth-girl into a perfect young lady. This may not sound exactly 'PC', but fear not feminists of the world, this show is not about turning strong-headed female characters into robot housewives who cook and clean on demand. No! Basically, four college boys are coerced into helping their land lady's niece overcome her fears of "bright people" (everyone but herself) and become a lady, so they can have free rent. However, along the way, they come to understand, accept and love her for who she is. awwwwwe. And of course there are surprises

These are her best friends...

and wacky plot twists that could only be thought of by a Japanese mind.

SURPRISE WEDDING! To a creepy old man no less!

Highly entertaining and lovable, Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge can be found online at

"We are the landlords of this website and we say... that is show is a definite hit!"

In tribute to the awesome, we created a video of ourselves doing the opening dance number!
First, watch the original.
Then watch our version!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Consider the Ferret (aka Ski to Sea Part 1.)

While traversing the Ski to Sea street fair in Fairhaven, us four travelers dreamed up this blog as well as encountered some things that were downright strange, but not altogether unexpected, in our lovely town of residence. Bellingham.

The Ferret.

As we stood eating our cupcakes and soft serve cones, they come in 50 flavors by the way, we noticed a ferret weaseling... er sneaking up the street. On the whole, ferrets tend to prefer dark corners and at best, perhaps a nice seedy alley way, but its owner yanked the hapless creature with its short legs and dragging belly up the sidewalk on its leash.

What do you think? Will the ferret catch on as the ultimate pet?



Nope! They will not.

Hey! Speaking of leashes, we also encountered a child that seemed to be in a similar situation to the ferret, except that it was shrieking and straining to get away. Understandable behavior, I think, for anyone who finds themselves tethered up.

Poor kid, on a leash and has a monkey breathing down his neck...


Well we'll negotiate the ferret but the kid on a leash thing? Definitely a miss.

Oh Bellingham...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lap Dogs

Popular since at least the 13th century and traceable to the 8th century, the lap dog has been a symbol of status and a fashion accessory for quite some time. Admittedly their original purpose, which was to attract fleas away from their owners, is hardly glamorous. But perhaps the lap dog is going out of fashion. Popular dog carriers are now verging on the trashy side, and the use of a living creature as a fashion accessory seems questionable.

Perhaps once upon a time lap dogs represented sophistication and elegance, but now they seem to stand for vapidity.

Also questionable are the products made available by the popularity of lap dogs. You can purchase a wealth of accessories for your dog, perhaps to comfort yourself for using the dog as your accessory.

Will no one think of the poor dogs?

Hit or miss? Look at the picture above! A clear miss.